his facebook is cool and has a lot of his picture. my dad is a lovely human being even though sometimes he will blow up but hey, thats why we call it being human right
he is a really great blogger. the main reason im actually starting my blog after so many times trying to but my blogs ended up being a ghosts blog instead.
so my dads blog is ramblings of a cheeseburger buddha
he is an artist. (a hell of a great one too!!!!!!) and he always helped me when it came to being artistic. he helped me with my artwork when i was small and keeps giving me advise now even though im already 18.
I know he loves me and he sure knows i love him too
going to mmu university is well yeah to fulfill my dreams but it is a matter a fact also to make him proud of having me as his daughter and so that he knows even though our lives as a bahari has been more of downs than up, at least he has a daughter by his side who will always help him back up no matter what
love you dad!!!!!!!
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